My first calling towards psychotherapy came at age 16.  Taking my first psychology class, and growing up in a dysfunctional family, I was delighted to experience a profession that focused on emotional well-being.  Without question I majored in psychology as I followed my pre-ordained 1960’s path; to college to earn my MRS. and have babies.   I found the study of psychology infinitely interesting and managed to combine marriage and child bearing with graduate school.  Balancing my first career as a psychoeducational therapist for autistic children and raising my own children filled my life with more than enough purpose!    However, after 6 years, it was clear that I wanted to develop my skills as a psychotherapist and found the Holistic Counseling Psychology program at Lesley University in Cambridge Ma.  It seemed daunting and impossible, but the call was strong.   One step at a time, the obstacles melted away, and a scholarship made it clear that it was meant to be.  Off I went and spent two of the most fulfilling years of my life in Cambridge; studying, living, and breathing psychotherapy.  The program was experiential in nature and full emersion.  It felt like manna from heaven and these were transformative and healing years.
I emerged excited and ready for the challenges of practice.  I began my practice in Massachusetts, as I completed a post graduate training in Transpersonal Psychotherapy.  Returning to the gentle warmth of North Carolina in 1991, and feeling the never ending call to deepen and expand my skills, I pursued further trainings:  Focusing, Hypnotherapy, and Interactive Guided Imagery were the most empowering,  I then completed a 3 year training program in Somatic Experiencing, a body oriented psychotherapy,  which  facilitates deep integration of mind body and spirit.    I have come to specialize in body oriented psychotherapy, simply because it is the most effective therapy I have used. My current growth edge is integrating touch and table work into may practice.  Somatic Experiencing advanced classes are enabling me to safely and carefully integrate touch and energy work into psychotherapy.  
My personal experiences  throughout my life have informed and been informed by my psychotherapy practice.  I have found my personal spiritual practice to be a beacon on my path that enlightens both my personal and professional life.  Many life challenges including chronic illness and single parenting two now grown and spirited young men have been my most profound teachers.  I find inspiratoin in my garden and joy from my in my family and my beloved lab pup.

A Little Bit About Me
Eileen Cleary, LPC
Chapel Hill, NC
         Degrees, Certifications and Trainings

BA Psychology 1969
MAEd Counselor Education 1973
Certificate of Advanced Graduate Study in Holistic Counseling          Psychology 1987
Training in Transpersonal Psychotherapy 1987 - 1991
Certified Yoga Teacher 1991
Certified Clinical Memtal Health Counselor 1991
Hypnosis Certification  1992
Licensed Professional Counselor 1994
Certification Interactive Guided Imagery 
Training in Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction 
Training in DBT Dialectal Behavioral Therapy
Training in DNMS Developmental Needs Meeting Strategies
Training in EMDR Eye Movement Desensitization an Reprossessingd     Certified Somatic Experiencing Practioner 2007
Somatic Experiencing Touch Training 2010- 2011
Hakomi training 2011

"...the only thing tthere is too get from life, is the  growth that comes from experiencing it."
                                                   Michael singer